tip of the day

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom
~Viktor E. Frankl

Luscious Cashew Cream

This one is a must for those ones with a sweet tooth. It pairs
beautifully with fresh cut fruit such as mango or papaya…. or you
can simply drizzle it on top of your breakfast bowls, smoothies, hot
choc or even coffee!

In your high speed blender:
1 cup cashews drained (previously soak them in water for a few hours
in the fridge)
Very little, enough to blend – going up to 1 cup water (depends on how
thick you want your cream to be)
Pinch of pink salt
1 t pure vanilla
Drizzle of honey (optional)
1 t of chia seeds (optional)