tip of the day

In stillness all conflict must end.
~ Phillip Urso

Quinoa Tabbouleh

Good for your immune system, anti-fungal and antibacterial, superfood quinoa tabbouleh:

Finely chopped:
3 juicy tomatoes
2 cucumbers
1/2 red or pearl onion (mild variety)
Bunch of parsley/corriander 
Bunch of mint 
1 cup cooked quinoa (texture should not be mashy: bring to boil in 1 1/3 cup of water, then lower down and simmer for 10 min covered; switch off and let quinoa cool off on the stove)
1 clove of garlic, crushed
2 T olive or flaxseed oil
Juice of one lemon

Mix all of the above up, serve topped with hummus or tahini for extra nutritional boost. 

Serves 2-3