tip of the day

One becomes firmly established in practice only after attending to it for a long time, without interruption and with an attitude of devotion.
~Yoga Sutra
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The Yoga center Kuwait

Yoga for Stress Management

Somewhere along the line you may have decided you are simply not the yoga type. Sure, you’ve heard the raves about yoga for stress management, …

Yoga for Grief Relief

  Spiritual practice to nourish the self for emotional health. I was truly good friends with my mother, and when she died …

For beginners [Hot Yoga]

For Beginners, one of the early benefits of doing sequences of yogasanas (yoga postures) is the improved range of movement for your …

Paddle Board Yoga

One way to have fun with yoga is to do it on a paddle board. Paddle boarding has been trending for the …
tamsin new 1


Tamsin have always been extremely active from a very young age. Having a deep interest in Naturopathy, maintaining a healthy and holistic …